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TBSRJ Centenary



1924 to 2024 - 100 years of British Education in Rio de Janeiro

In 2024, The British School, Rio de Janeiro celebrated the 100th anniversary of its founding.  In 1924, Sir Alexander Mackenzie had an idea and he inspired others to see something great: to open a little school for the children of British and British Commonwealth families so that they could be educated in English and follow a British curriculum for when they returned home. The years passed, and the school grew and developed! Brazilian families joined in large numbers, and as the school expanded across the city of Rio de Janeiro, it became firmly embedded into Brazilian culture, never abandoning the beliefs and values of its origins.

To show our appreciation to all the past and current students, parents and staff, we took this historic opportunity to celebrate in various ways across all sites.

The ‘Centenary Week’, took place from Monday 20-May to Friday 24-May, with special celebrations for the anniversary date 23-May-2024. Here are some of the highlights of the school’s Centenary celebrations, such as: 

·       Illustrious presence of His Majesty's Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil, Ms Stephanie Al-Qaq CMG; Mr Anjoum Noorani, British Consul General, Rio de Janeiro; and Mr Laurence Burrows, Consular Regional Operations Manager.

·       Centenary Ceremonies

·       Dining Hall Decorations

·       Class Door’s Decorations

·       School history Totens on school grounds 

·       Creation of Time Capsules, one for each site

·       Music Festivals/Talent Shows/Music Competitions

·       Centenary Costume Parade

·       Centenary Art Competition

·       Treasure Hunt for Teachers

·       House Games

·       Dancing Through the Decades

·       Centenary memorabilia 

·       Inauguration of the new Botafogo Site Centenary Playground

·       Visit from Onda Solidária - the social project located in Santana do Deserto, Minas Gerais - for some friendly Volleyball & Futsal games with our Falcons Teams at the Barra School

·     Visit at Botafogo Site from Sodexo’s (food services company) CEO da Sodexo Brasil, Ms Andrea Krewer; Diretor de Operações da Sodexo Brasil, Mr Sergio Caires; and the GCE da Sodexo Brasil, Ms Suélen Maira Casagrande 

On 15-June and 22-June, the Zona Sul School and the Barra School had their incredible Centenary Festa Junina organised by PTA @pta_tbsrj! With typical dances presented by our students, which were beautifully organised and rehearsed by the Portuguese and Physical Education Department. There were also lots of games and activities, as well as delicious typical food!  The event also featured beautiful musical performances organized by the Music Department. 

On 31-Aug-2024 the TBSRJ Centenary Reunion for Alumni, Former Staff and Long-Serving Staff took place at the Botafogo Site! There were alumni from the 1950s to 2023, there were people who traveled from USA, UK, Argentina, São Paulo and other countries or regions in Brazil, there were staff from the 70s, 80s and 90s, and there were current staff who have been here for over 20, 30 and 40 years. Almost 500 people, all together, celebrated the love and gratitude for this community, for the TBSRJ family. It was an amazing evening!

TBSRJ Centenary International Festivalorganised by PTA @pta_tbsrj, took place on 09-Nov at Barra School. Our school community had the opportunity to celebrate many cultures, by experiencing typical cuisines, amazing musical performances, and celebrate many cultures that constitute our school.

It was a year full of celebrations, gratitude and love for The British School, Rio de Janeiro.

TBSRJ 100 Years!

Check out the highlights of these events on our YouTube Channel:

TBSRJ Centenary Celebrations (20 to 24-May 2024)

TBSRJ Centenary Reunion for Alumni, Former Staff and Long-Serving Staff (31-Aug-2024)