The Associação Britânica de Educação (“ABE”) is the legal entity which owns and operates The British School, Rio de Janeiro (TBS) on behalf of the British community. The ABE and British School were founded in 1924.
The Association is a non-profit, legally constituted entity, which is governed by its By-Laws, its Internal Regulation (Regimento Interno), and by Brazilian law. The most recent and fundamental changes to the Association’s By-Laws were made in 2022.
Under the By-Laws, TBS may provide Pre-School education activities, Primary and Secondary education, offering courses that enable students to study for internationally accepted qualifications appropriate to a British-style education, as well as other courses of study it deems desirable.
The ABE Members are the individuals who:
Under the 2022 By-Laws, ABE members are nationals and/or passport holders of a member country of the Commonwealth of Nations who meet at least one of the following criteria:
(a) are current parents of a child enrolled and attending The British School, and are up to date with their tuition fee payments;
(b) are past parents of a child who attended The British School; or
(c) are past pupils (alumni) who are at least twenty-five (25) years old, remained at least five (5) full academic years and reached the age of sixteen (16) years old in the calendar year they left the School. The requirements for alumni to have completed 5 full years in the School and reached a certain age at the time of leaving do not apply to alumni who left the School before 1990.
In all cases, ABE Members (a) must not be in debt with the ABE or subject to any insolvency proceedings or be party to other legal (judicial or administrative) processes concerning the ABE or which may negatively impact the image of the ABE; and (b) must not be subject to a previous exclusion from ABE membership unless formally readmitted.
Note that all eligible current parents are automatically registered as ABE members. All other eligible members must re-register each year – the ABE will facilitate this to make the process as easy as possible. Only members registered by 31 March each year are entitled to vote in ABE meetings or proceedings for the following year.
Apply to become an ABE member and support our school in developing a community environment based on compassion, integrity and determination.
To apply to become an ABE Member please enter the site https://abemember.britishschool.g12.br/