In honour of Gabriel Buchmann

On the 27th of February, 2010 Gabriel Buchmann was honoured with a hiking trail in his name. At the beginning of the trail, which leads to the “Pedra da Gávea”, in Rio de Janeiro, you can see this plaque and the wording re-written below.

If you would like to read more or see the filming of this event, please access:



Gabriel was also awarded the 2009 “Personalidade do Ano” in the ‘World’ section of the “O Globo” Prizes “Faz Diferença”. His mother, Ms Fatima Buchmann, French teacher at the Botafogo site, represented him at the award ceremony at the Copacabana Palace Hotel – Rio de Janeiro, on Wednesday, 17th March 2010.

Please see:

Trilha Gabriel Buchmann

Aqui, nesta trilha, Gabriel deu seus primeiros passos ruma a seus caminhos pelo nosso querido Brasil e pelo mundo.

Montanhista, Mestre em Economia, amanta da natureza e grande humanista, este jovem carioca usou seu brilho intelctual para a realização de um projeto humanitário.

Conheceu povos, culturas, religiões e paisagens diversas. Viveu e conviveu com as diferenças. Movido pelo amor dizia que a felicidade não estava apenas no destino, mas no próprio caminho. Entregou-se de corpo e alma a cada experiência. A muitos encantou e or muitos se encantou. Esta era sua bagagem para o doutorado em Polítcias Sociais na Universidade da Califórnia, com início marcado para setembro de 2009.

Contudo, ao final de sua jronada pelo mundo, concluiu sua última trilha no Monte Mulanje, Malawi – África.

E de lá, do alto daquela linda montanha, em julho de 2009, este engenheiro de sonhos preparou seu ninho de folhas, dormiu e acordou para uma projeto maior.

Subiu com Deus, deixando sua bela mensagem entre os homens.

Gabriel Buchmann’s Trail

Here, on this trail, Gabriel made his first steps in the direction to the paths of our dear Brazil and through the world. Mountaineer, Master in Economy, a lover of nature and a great humanist this young Carioca used his intellectual brightness for the realization of a human project.

He coexisted with different people, cultures, religions and landscapes. He lived and dealt with differences.

Motivated by love he would say that happiness was not only in our destiny but on our path for it.

He gave his body and soul in each experience. To and for many, he was enchanted.

This was his qualification for a Doctor’s degree in Social Politics at the University of California which was scheduled for September 2009.

However, by the end of his journey in this world, his last trek was concluded in Mount Mulanje, Malawi – Africa.

From the top of that beautiful mountain, in July of 2009, this Dream Engineer nestled among leaves to sleep and woke up for his larger project.

With God, up he departed leaving his beautiful message amongst men.